更新時(shí)間:2019-08-30 來源:黑馬程序員 瀏覽量:
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數(shù)據(jù)EDA 的研究目的是什么?
黑色星期五數(shù)據(jù)BlackFriday 探索性分析EDA該數(shù)據(jù)集包括從零售商店獲得的銷售交易數(shù)據(jù)。這是一個(gè)幫我們探索和擴(kuò)展特征工程技術(shù)和逐漸了解多角度購物經(jīng)驗(yàn)的經(jīng)典數(shù)據(jù)集。數(shù)據(jù)集有537576 行12 列。
見文件數(shù)據(jù)集有537576 行12 列
Anaconda2 + pycharm + numpy + pandas + matplotlib + scikitlearn + RF
#TODO: BlackFriday EDA #關(guān)于一家零售店黑色星期五的55 萬次觀測數(shù)據(jù) #它包含不同類型的變量,無論是數(shù)值變量還是類別型變量 # todo:1.Libraies # 我們將會使用Pandas,Numpy,Seaborn 和Matplotlib 庫進(jìn)行分析 #Warnings import warnings warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") import pandas as pd import numpy as np #可視化 import seaborn as sns import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import os # print os.listdir("E:\Python\BlackFriday") # To return the which files list containdec sns.set(style="darkgrid") # plt.rcParams["patch.force_edgecolor"]= True # matplotlib 中rcParams 主要用來設(shè)置圖像像素,畫圖的分辨率,大小等信息 # patch.force_edgecolor 打開全球的邊緣 #TODO:數(shù)據(jù)加載與特征提取 df=pd.read_csv("BlackFriday.csv") # print df.head(2) # User_ID Product_ID Gender Age Occupation City_Category \ # 0 1000001 P00069042 F 0-17 10 A # 1 1000001 P00248942 F 0-17 10 A # # Stay_In_Current_City_Years Marital_Status Product_Category_1 \ # 0 2 0 3 # 1 2 0 1 # # Product_Category_2 Product_Category_3 Purchase # 0 NaN NaN 8370 # 1 6.0 14.0 15200 # print df.info() # print df.shape # RangeIndex: 537577 entries, 0 to 537576 # Data columns (total 12 columns): # User_ID 537577 non-null int64 # Product_ID 537577 non-null object # Gender 537577 non-null object # Age 537577 non-null object # Occupation 537577 non-null int64 # City_Category 537577 non-null object # Stay_In_Current_City_Years 537577 non-null object # Marital_Status 537577 non-null int64 # Product_Category_1 537577 non-null int64 # Product_Category_2 370591 non-null float64 # Product_Category_3 164278 non-null float64 # Purchase 537577 non-null int64 # dtypes: float64(2), int64(5), object(5) # memory usage: 49.2+ MB # None # (537577, 12) #TODO: 缺失值的處理 total_miss=df.isnull().sum() #對應(yīng)特征缺失值總數(shù) # print total_miss # User_ID 0 # Product_ID 0 # Gender 0 # Age 0 # Occupation 0 # City_Category 0 # Stay_In_Current_City_Years 0 # Marital_Status 0 # Product_Category_1 0 # Product_Category_2 166986 # Product_Category_3 373299 # Purchase 0 # dtype: int64 # print total_miss per_miss= total_miss/df.isnull().count() # 每列對應(yīng)特征 的nan 數(shù)/ 所有特征nan 乘以100 對應(yīng)特征的缺失比值 # print total_miss/df.isnull().count()*100 # 每列對應(yīng)特征的 nan 數(shù)/ 所有特征nan 乘以100 # User_ID 0.000000 # Product_ID 0.000000 # Gender 0.000000 # Age 0.000000 # Occupation 0.000000 # City_Category 0.000000 # Stay_In_Current_City_Years 0.000000 # Marital_Status 0.000000 # Product_Category_1 0.000000 # Product_Category_2 31.062713 # Product_Category_3 69.441029 # Purchase 0.000000 # dtype: float64 missing_data = pd.DataFrame({'Total missing':total_miss, '% missing':per_miss}) # print missing_data # print missing_data.sort_values(by='Total missing',ascending=False).head(3) # % missing Total missing # Product_Category_3 0.694410 373299 # Product_Category_2 0.310627 166986 # User_ID 0.000000 0 #由于大多數(shù)產(chǎn)品只屬于一個(gè)類別,所以少一些產(chǎn)品有第二個(gè)類別是 有意義的,更不用說第三個(gè)類別了。 # TODO :唯一值 #探討數(shù)據(jù)中特征中的唯一值。總共有537577 # print "Unique Values for Each Feature:\n" # print df.columns # Index([u'User_ID', u'Product_ID', u'Gender', u'Age', u'Occupation', # u'City_Category', u'Stay_In_Current_City_Years', u'Marital_Status', # u'Product_Category_1', u'Product_Category_2', u'Product_Category_3', # u'Purchase'], # dtype='object') # for i in df.columns: # i 對應(yīng)就是columns 中的每一列 # print i,':',df[i].unique() #todo:關(guān)于產(chǎn)品信息 # print "Number of products:",df['Product_ID'].unique() # print "Number of products Numbers:",len(df['Product_ID'].unique().tolist()) # print "Number of categories:",df["Product_Category_1"].unique().max() # print "Highest and lowest purchase:",df['Purchase'].max(),',',df['Purchase'].min() # Number of products: ['P00069042' 'P00248942' 'P00087842' ..., 'P00038842' 'P00295642' # 'P00091742'] # Number of products Numbers: 3623 # Number of categories: 18 # Highest and lowest purchase: 23961 , 185 #todo:關(guān)于買家信息 # print "Number of shoppers:",df['User_ID'].unique() # print "Shoppers 數(shù) 量:",len(df['User_ID'].unique().tolist()) # print "Years in city:",df['Stay_In_Current_City_Years'].unique() # print "Age Group:",df['Age'].unique() # Number of shoppers: [1000001 1000002 1000003 ..., 1004113 1005391 1001529] # Shoppers 數(shù)量: 5891 # Years in city: ['2' '4+' '3' '1' '0'] # Age Group: ['0-17' '55+' '26-35' '46-50' '51-55' '36-45' '18-25'] #TODO:Gender #首先,通過查看每個(gè)條目的數(shù)量來確定數(shù)據(jù)是否按性別均勻分布; count_m=df[df['Gender']=='M'] #在DataFrame 中選擇性別為M 的所有數(shù)據(jù) # print df['Gender']=='M' # print count_m count_m_count=df[df['Gender']=='M'].count() count_m_count=df[df['Gender']=='M'].count()[0] # print count_m_count # User_ID 405380 # Product_ID 405380 # Gender 405380 # Age 405380 # Occupation 405380 # City_Category 405380 # Stay_In_Current_City_Years 405380 # Marital_Status 405380 # Product_Category_1 405380 # Product_Category_2 280741 # Product_Category_3 127346 # Purchase 405380 # dtype: int64 # User_ID Product_ID Gender Age Occupation City_Category \ # 4 1000002 P00285442 M 55+ 16 C # 5 1000003 P00193542 M 26-35 15 A # 6 1000004 P00184942 M 46-50 7 B # 7 1000004 P00346142 M 46-50 7 B # 8 1000004 P0097242 M 46-50 7 B # 9 1000005 P00274942 M 26-35 20 A # print "count_m_count=df[df['Gender']=='M'].count()[0]:",df[df['Ge nder']=='M'].count()[0] #count_m_count=df[df['Gender']=='M'].count()[0]: 405380 count_f = df[df['Gender']=='F'].count()[0] print "Number of male clients:",count_m_count print "Number of female clients:",count_f # 男客戶數(shù)量: 405380 # 女客戶數(shù)量: 132197 #我們可以看到記錄的男性客戶數(shù)量超過4 次記錄的女性客戶數(shù)量。 因此,通過使用比率而不是計(jì)算每條數(shù)據(jù)來分析性別將更加信息化。 讓我們看看每個(gè)性別的多少每個(gè)人均消費(fèi) print "Female Purchases:",round(df[df["Gender"]=='F']['Purchase'].sum()/c ount_f) print "Male Purchases:",round(df[df["Gender"]=='M']['Purchase'].sum()/c ount_m_count) # Female Purchases: 8809.0 女性人均消費(fèi) # Male Purchases: 9504.0 男性分均消費(fèi) #圖形繪制 # nunique() Return number of unique elements in the object. plt.pie(df.groupby('Gender')['Product_ID'].nunique(),labels =['Male','Female'], shadow=True, autopct='%1.1f%%',colors=['steelblue','cornflowerblue']) plt.title('Unique Item Purchases by Gender') plt.show() print df.groupby('Gender')['Product_ID'].nunique() # F 3358 # M 3582 # Name: Product_ID, dtype: int64 #雖然差不多,但女性確實(shí)購買了比男性更多的產(chǎn)品?,F(xiàn)在,讓我們 根據(jù)產(chǎn)品類別分析每個(gè)性別購買的比例。 #按照性別進(jìn)行分組 print "====================" # print df[df['Gender'] == 'M'] # User_ID Product_ID ... Product_Category_3 Purchase # 4 1000002 P00285442 ... NaN 7969 # 5 1000003 P00193542 ... NaN 15227 # 6 1000004 P00184942 ... 17.0 19215 # 7 1000004 P00346142 ... NaN 15854 gender = df[df['Gender'] == 'M'][['Product_Category_1', 'Gender']] # 針對過濾為男性用戶的數(shù)據(jù)進(jìn)行選取 Product_Category_1 Gender # print gender # Product_Category_1 Gender # 4 8 M # 5 1 M # 6 1 M #todo:品類1 中的男性用戶數(shù)量 gb_gender_m = df[df['Gender'] == 'M'][['Product_Category_1', 'Gender']].count() print "gb_gender_m:\n",gb_gender_m gb_gener_f = df[df['Gender'] == 'F'][['Product_Category_1', 'Gender']].count() # print "gb_gender_f:\n",gb_gener_f # gb_gender_m: # Product_Category_1 405380 # Gender 405380 # dtype: int64 # gb_gender_f: # Product_Category_1 132197 # Gender 132197 #連接并更改列名稱 print "---------------------------------" cat_bygender=pd.concat([gb_gender_m,gb_gener_f],axis=1) # print cat_bygender # 0 1 # Product_Category_1 405380 132197 # Gender 405380 132197 cat_bygender.columns=['M ratio','F ratio'] # print cat_bygender # M ratio F ratio # Product_Category_1 405380 132197 # Gender 405380 132197 #調(diào)整以比率 cat_bygender['M ratio'] = cat_bygender['M ratio']/df[df['Gender']=='M'].count()[0] cat_bygender['F ratio'] = cat_bygender['F ratio']/df[df['Gender']=='F'].count()[0] # print df[df['Gender']=='M'].count() # User_ID 405380 # Product_ID 405380 # Gender 405380 # Age 405380 # Occupation 405380 # City_Category 405380 #Create likelihood of one gender to buy over the other cat_bygender['Likelihood (M/F)']=cat_bygender['M ratio']/cat_bygender['F ratio'] cat_bygender['Total Ratio'] = cat_bygender['M ratio']+cat_bygender['F ratio'] cat_bygender.sort_values(by='Likelihood (M/F)',ascending=False) # print cat_bygender #TODO:Age # Age 值是字符串,我們現(xiàn)在對每個(gè)組進(jìn)行編碼,以便它們可以用機(jī) 器學(xué)習(xí)算法可以理解的整數(shù)值表示 #年齡組編碼 df['Age_Encoded'] = df['Age'].map({'0-17':0,'18-25':1, '26-35':2,'36-45':3, '46-50':4,'51-55':5, '55+':6}) prod_byage = df.groupby('Age').nunique()['Product_ID'] fig,ax = plt.subplots(1,2,figsize=(14,6)) ax = ax.ravel() sns.countplot(df['Age'].sort_values(),ax=ax[0], palette="Blues_d") ax[0].set_xlabel('Age Group') ax[0].set_title('Age Group Distribution') sns.barplot(x=prod_byage.index,y=prod_byage.values,ax=ax[1] , palette="Blues_d") ax[1].set_xlabel('Age Group') ax[1].set_title('Unique Products by Age') plt.show() #很明顯,客戶中最大的年齡組是26-35 歲。有趣的是,就數(shù)量而言, 產(chǎn)品購買的分布在各年齡組之間差異不大。這意味著,雖然26-35 歲年齡組是最受歡迎的,但其他年齡組購買的幾乎與他們一樣多。但 這是否意味著在年齡組中花費(fèi)的金額是相同的?讓我們來看一下 spent_byage = df.groupby(by='Age').sum()['Purchase'] plt.figure(figsize=(12,6)) sns.barplot(x=spent_byage.index,y=spent_byage.values, palette="Blues_d") plt.title('Mean Purchases per Age Group') plt.show() #我們的數(shù)據(jù)清楚地表明,每個(gè)年齡組的資金數(shù)額與年齡組內(nèi)的客戶 數(shù)量成正比。這可能是商店的有價(jià)值的信息,因?yàn)樗赡芟M谖?來添加更多針對該年齡組的產(chǎn)品,或者可能致力于營銷不同的項(xiàng)目以 增加其客戶年齡組的更廣泛的多樣性。 #TODO: Occupation # This sections draws some insights on our data in terms of the occupation of the customers. plt.figure(figsize=(12,6)) sns.countplot(df['Occupation']) plt.title('Occupation Distribution') plt.show() plt.figure(figsize=(12,6)) prod_by_occ = df.groupby(by='Occupation').nunique()['Product_ID'] sns.barplot(x=prod_by_occ.index,y=prod_by_occ.values) plt.title('Unique Products by Occupation') plt.show() spent_by_occ = df.groupby(by='Occupation').sum()['Purchase'] plt.figure(figsize=(12,6)) sns.barplot(x=spent_by_occ.index,y=spent_by_occ.values) plt.title('Total Money Spent per Occupation') plt.show() #再一次,每個(gè)職業(yè)所花費(fèi)的平均金額的分配似乎反映了每個(gè)職業(yè)中 人數(shù)的分布。從數(shù)據(jù)科學(xué)的角度來看,這是幸運(yùn)的,因?yàn)槲覀儧]有 使用奇怪或突出的功能。我們在年齡和職業(yè)方面的數(shù)據(jù)似乎很有意 義。 #TODO: Products #這里,我們探索產(chǎn)品本身。這很重要,因?yàn)槲覀冊诖藬?shù)據(jù)集中沒有 標(biāo)記的項(xiàng)目。從理論上講,客戶可以在4 臺新電視或10,000 支筆上 花費(fèi)5,000 美元。這種差異對商店很重要,因?yàn)樗麄兊睦麧櫴艿接?響。由于我們不知道這些項(xiàng)目是什么,讓我們探索項(xiàng)目的類別。 plt.figure(figsize=(12,6)) prod_by_cat = df.groupby('Product_Category_1')['Product_ID'].nunique() sns.barplot(x=prod_by_cat.index,y=prod_by_cat.values, palette="Blues_d") plt.title('Number of Unique Items per Category') plt.show() #類別標(biāo)簽1,5 和8 顯然具有最多的項(xiàng)目。這可能意味著商店以該項(xiàng) 目而聞名,或者該類別是廣泛的。 category = [] mean_purchase = [] for i in df['Product_Category_1'].unique(): category.append(i) category.sort() for e in category: mean_purchase.append(df[df['Product_Category_1']==e]['Purch ase'].mean()) plt.figure(figsize=(12,6)) sns.barplot(x=category,y=mean_purchase) plt.title('Mean of the Purchases per Category') plt.xlabel('Product Category') plt.ylabel('Mean Purchase') plt.show() #有趣的是,我們最受歡迎的類別并不是那些賺錢最多的類別。這似 乎是一個(gè)大商店,他們可能會意識到這一點(diǎn)。然而,對于可能不知 道的較小商店的情況,可以使用相同形式的分析,并且它可能非常有 用。 #TODO: Estimate of price and quantity of purchase #由于“購買”功能暗示客戶為某個(gè)項(xiàng)目的未知金額支付了多少錢, 因此我們大膽假設(shè)產(chǎn)品支付的最低購買金額是所述商品的價(jià)格 #最低購買量的產(chǎn)品 prod_prices = df.groupby('Product_ID').min()['Purchase'].to_dict() #現(xiàn)在,每個(gè)商品ID 的購買價(jià)值按人們可以購買的商品數(shù)量進(jìn)行分 組。然后,下面計(jì)算的價(jià)格和數(shù)量是一個(gè)估計(jì),但它將是一個(gè)非常 好的 def find_price(row): prod = row['Product_ID'] return prod_prices[prod] df['Price'] = df.apply(find_price,axis=1) df['Amount'] = round(df['Purchase']/df['Price']).astype(int)
Apache Hive metastore服務(wù)怎么用?[大數(shù)據(jù)培訓(xùn)]?